
Cut flower kalanchoes that can stay weeks without water

April 15, 2013

Kalanchoe ‘Lucky’ as cut flower after 2 weeks without any water – photo: newPlantsandFlowers

The Department of Horticulture of the National Chung-Hsing University in Taichung (Taiwan) developed a cut flower kalanchoe that can stay days, or even weeks without water. Professor Chien-Young Chu of this department experienced that even after two weeks on the kitchen sink without any moisture these cut kalanchoes still performed well on a vase. The culture period (in Taiwan) is three to four months. After cutting the stem, the plant can be discarded.
From this breeding program four colours are now ready for commercializing. “If no grower would be interested in these cut kalanchoes we might start the production ourselves”, says Chu challenging in an interview with Guus Wijchman from newPlantsandFlowers. That interview was held in anticipation of Chus retirement at the end of this year. Read the whole article here.

New double kalanchoe for cut flower introduced by Chien-Young Chu and Shen-An Yang – photo: newPlantsand- Flowers